Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

There's no law that says one must like or use 'Twitter'!

I really do get bored with some 'holier-than-thou' bores who judge people by whether they use certain modern technology or not, specifically various 'social media' such as Twitter; I happen to use Twitter, and 'follow' the writer of this comment ("Cameron doesn't like Twitter. Need to know any more?"), but neither make me a bad or a good person, they just are. If someone doesn't like someone else's politics (in this case David Cameron), fair enough, but this kind of pointless carping seems to me, well, just pointless - and deeply silly. After all, Tony Blair was said to be a stranger to usage of email, but my feelings about him are unaffected by this 'quirk' in someone of his generation. I daresay there are characteristics of politicians from every political party that one might use to mock them or belittle them in some way, thereby expressing one's dislike of their politics, but it really adds nothing to the argument in my [ever so humble] opinion. I happen to think Facebook is something I prefer not to use, but I do not make particular judgements about people based on their usage or non-usage of this platform - I may in some respects be anally retentive, but not to that extent!

In any event, the remarks of David Cameron to which my esteemed Twitter correspondent seems to have taken exception are contained in this interview:

- I must say that as a British person, just like David Cameron, I had not been aware of the specially vulgar connotation of the word 'twat' - and as my Twitter correspondent is also, I suspect, British, I must also say that I find his [faux-]outrage somewhat laughable. Pass the sick bag, Ethel!


  1. I made the mistake of clicking on David Cameron as a trending topic and was able to see the buzz. Blimey some people are dim. And they're allowed to vote! Many thought "Tory", "Eton", "Bullington" the very acme of epithets - such original thought.

    I think the most important word Cameron (D) said was "might". I think we can all see what he meant, even if the 'twat' but was somewhat unseemly for the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. Anyway, such subtleties were lost on most outraged Twitterists at the time it would seem.

    Back to your main point though, spot on.

  2. I think a twat is just a twat these days Bill, the past significance having long disappeared from common usage, or perhaps I lead a sheltered life?

    I nearly started putting 'Gurn' material on twitter but as soon as I joined I had two people wanting to follow me. Two sexily dressed young ladies in fact, if the pictures of the tweeters were to be believed. I made my excuses and left.

  3. Blognor

    Grazie mille!


    the past significance having long disappeared from common usage

    li'l ol' me, being modern British, never knew about its other connotations - lol. Aren't you [modern] British, or do you just have a mucky mind? - double lol ;)


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