Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Thursday 25 April 2019

European Parliament Election 23 May 2019 - Scotland Region candidates

(Note: this is NOT a return to regular blogging here, I am posting this article and perhaps the results in due course, purely as a record for myself.)

(please see the ADDENDUM at the end)

NB/ This post has been amended in the light of updated information since it was first published earlier this evening.

The nominations for the European Parliament Election to be held in the UK on Thursday 23rd May 2019 (* see at end) are now closed and the candidates from the Scotland Region are as follows (listed in alphabetic order by Party):

Alyn Smith (currently an MEP)
Christian Allard
Aileen Macleod
Margaret Ferrier
Heather Anderson
Alexander Kerr

Scottish Conservatives
Nosheena Mobarik (currently an MEP)
Iain McGill
Shona Haslam
Iain Whyte
Andrea Gee
Michael Kusznir

Scottish Labour
David Martin (currently an MEP)
Jayne Baxter
Craig Miller
Amy Lee Fraioli
Callum O'Dwyer
Angela Bretherton

Scottish Greens
Maggie Chapman
Lorna Slater
Gillian Mackay
Chas Booth
Mags Hall
Allan Faulds

Scottish Lib Dems
Sheila Ritchie
Fred Mackintosh
Catriona Bhatia
Vita Zaporozcenko
John Edward
Clive Sneddon

Donald MacKay
Janice MacKay
Otto Inglis
Mark Meechan
Roy Hill
Neil Wilson

Change UK
David Macdonald
Peter Griffiths
Kate Forman
Heather Astbury
Colin McFadyen
Catherine Edgeworth

Brexit Party
Louis Stedman-Bryce
Karina Walker
James Ferguson-Hannah
Stuart Waiton
Paul Aitken
Calum Walker

Ken Parke
Gordon Edgar

NB/ As nominations closed only at 4pm today, so far the only source I have found for the nominations listed above is an article in the BBC website here and since I published the article earlier this evening there have been a number of changes (a few quite major) in the linked BBC source webpage, which I have now incorporated above; if/when official formal details become available in either the Highland Council or perhaps Scottish Government websites I will of course add the link here. At the last European Parliament elections in May 2014 the official information for the whole of Scotland was published in the City of Edinburgh Council website, but so far this does not appear to be the case this time.

(*) As the UK has now chosen to leave the European Union (by referendum held in June 2016), it is possible that these elections may not actually take place in the UK if the 'Withdrawal Agreement' concluded between the UK & the remaining 27 EU member states has been ratified by the UK Parliament prior to the scheduled date of the election. If however the Withdrawal Agreement remains unratified then, then unfortunately the election will have to go ahead. My Twitter feed here has regular updates on the issue of Brexit, and many other issues of course.

ADDENDUM (Friday 26 April 2019 18.42 BST [UTC+1])
The formal official Polling Notice, containing full details of all candidates who will stand in the election if it is held, have now been published. You can download it in .pdf format from the website of Highland Council by clicking the link here and downloading it in the link there. You can also view the Polling Notice in .html format in the website of Edinburgh City Council by clicking here.

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