Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Tuesday 1 August 2006

New blog - High Politics - The Higlands and Islands Politics Blog

NB/ Also see 'PS' at end of this post - thanks!

I just noticed this very recently started blog, through my visit stats, and although I am in a bit of a rush this morning to get ready to go away on the short trip I referred to in my previous post I thought that this was of such local and topical interest that I should mention it right away.

The title of the blog, High Politics - The Higlands and Islands Politics Blog pretty much says what its aim is, although as it was started only six days ago (with very laudable aims - the about this site page explains pretty clearly who is behind this blog, for those who need a 'health warning') it is far too soon to say how it will develop.

However, I hope this new blog succeeds in becoming a relevant resource for politics junkies in this part of Scotland and that, most important, it succeeds in its aim of being a cross-party resource. I have added it to my Bloglines feed and to the blogroll at left and will certainly be keeping a weather-eye on how it progresses. My little blog seems already to have been added to the blogroll there, for which I am obviously grateful - thanks.

PS/ Someone, called 'Budd'(?) I think, just sent me an email about Scottish local elections - the email went into the spam folder because it wasn't a previous correspondent and I'm afraid I inadvertantly deleted it along with about 8 or 9 other 'genuine spam' messages. I have no way of retrieving deleted spams, so if you care to repeat it I shall try and do better next time.

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