Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Saturday, 4 March 2006

The way Britain is heading - intimidation and fear as a method of control

For those under the illusion that they continue to live in a 'free and democratic' country under NuLabour here is what the World Weary Detective has said in what he announces is his final post in his blog:

This is the End

On Friday 3rd March 2006, the Management Board of the Metropolitan Police Service issued the following statement to all members of staff:

'Recently the organisation has become aware of a series of web-logs or blogs - where authors - claiming to be police officers - have offered their views on a number of issues in a highly personalised, often controversial manner.'

This statement is followed by 'guidance' on writing blogs. In summary, this states that although 'blogging' cannot be stopped, the 'impact of expressing views and opinions that are damaging to the organisation or bring the organisation into disrepute' must be considered. Disciplinary proceedings may be considered against posters of material that may be (among other things) defamatory, offensive or otherwise inappropriate.

I have committed no crime. I have compromised no police operations. I have received no payment for anything published on this blog. All opinions expressed are my own.

It is therefore with deep regret and great sadness that I must announce that I will no longer be submitting posts to this blog. I cannot challenge New Scotland Yard. I am weary indeed and cowardice is my bedmate. The protection of my family must take precedence.

To each and every one of you - take note of what has happened here and be afraid.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. - George Orwell

(thru Rachel from north London)

I've been writing for a while here about the increasing levels of authoritarianism to which we, in the 'free and democratic' countries of the world, are increasingly being subjected. The cataloguing of the population which is being carried out in one way or another in this country and in many others in recent years is just yet another chipping away at our liberties. Some of us, in jobs such as the World Weary Detective are already getting to know, in a very personal way, just what it is like to live in a country where one's every action is being observed and recorded by unseen hands who have the power to make our lives uncomfortable if they decide it is 'necessary'. Remember this the next time you hear a senior police or government official tell you, reassuringly, that:
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

And you will recall that the Metropolitan Police is the same organisation that, last July, murdered an innocent young Brazilian going about his business and then indulged in lies and deceit to attempt to cover up what it had done and that the Commisioner of Metropolitan Police at the time remains in his post as I write.

UPDATE: (18.20 GMT) And it's not just in the UK of course, it's in the 'Land of the Free' too! (thru Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Dish)

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