Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early evening. Time for tea, or perhaps a cocktail.

Saturday, 4 March 2006

Dem gays get everywhere - and they won't have it!

In the surreal world that the US seems increasingly to represent, two parents in the north-west Missouri town of Savannah have objected to the presence in the children's section of the local library of a book called "And Tango Makes Three". It tells the true story of two male penguins at Central Park Zoo in New York City who jointly hatched and reared a baby pennguin. The book was moved to the non-fiction section of the library, although the Rolling Hills’ Consolidated Library director Barbara Read explained that the reason it was moved was that as it was a factual story the non-fiction section of the library was more appropriate. However, she gave the game away when she added:

In that section there was less of a chance that the book would "blindside" someone.

- in reality, it is felt better in middle America for parents not to take the risk of their 'little mites' seeing such dangerous material ('How many kiddies spend their time browsing in the non-fiction section?', they reason).

... and to continue the theme of this post "surrealism in America", there are these two competing views on how to deal with bullying in Iowa schools. First, we have the Des Moines Register which seems to take a fairly sensible and straightforward approach and then we have the Quad City Times which takes a much more 'conservative' approach, although still on the surface aiming to attack what seems to be a real problem with the bullying of gays, although they are not happy for it to be described in that way - that might force them to face up to at whom most of the bullying is likely directed and thus face up to their own prejudices.

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