Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Monday, 28 November 2005

One year ago today, Alistair Wilson was shot dead on his doorstep in Nairn ...

(Please see the UPDATE at the end)

... at about 7.15pm one year ago today Alistair Wilson, a married father of two young children, was shot dead at the front door of his home, just a couple of hundred yards from where I live.

At the time, and over the months which have followed, I have written numerous articles about this slaying and there are permanent links to these in the right column under the heading 'Murder in Nairn' articles. My most recent article, prior to this one, is here. (see * below)

As yet, Northern Constabulary have established no motive for the murder and contact details for anyone who might have information to report which might lead to the apprehension of Mr Wilson's killer is here. Today, notices have re-appeared along the A96 highway as it passes through Nairn, reminding those passing through the town of the events of a year ago and seeking assistance in resolving this case. Veronica Wilson, widow of the murdered man, has made an anniversary appeal for help in finding her husband's killer.

UPDATE (27NOV2015 13.00 GMT) I have just become aware that I missed one development in early November 2005, probably because I was away in Spain at the time, looking to buy a holiday home (arranged during that visit). Anyway, from today's Press and Journal, in an article published to mark the 11th anniversary tomorrow of the murder of Mr Alistair Wilson and in a helpful 'timeline' included in the article, I learn that a transcript of the emergency '999' call made by Mrs Wilson immediately after her husband had been shot on their doorstep had been released - the P&J article is here. A quick 'Google' search then revealed, as expected, that this development had been covered at the time by the BBC in an article here.

(*) PS/ Note added on 27NOV2015): I have also realised that I have neglected to include this article in the list of 'Murder in Nairn' articles in the right column of this blog, so I have now rectified that by showing it there as article '14a', so it is in the correct chronological order.

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