Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this evening. Dinner and a concert beckons.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Prince Charles has a new job - weather forecaster

Well, I suppose if we ever have a[nother] revolution (see here) and finally dispense with our monarchical system of government (something I would much regret, for all sorts of reasons), then the Heir Apparent to the Throne, HRH The Prince of Wales (aka 'Prince Charles' or 'The Duke of Rothesay' whilst in Scotland, which is relevant to this story) should have no difficulty in finding alternative gainful employment as a television weather forecaster:

Prince Charles did his 'stint' as a weatherman during a visit to Pacific Quay in Glasgow, the headquarters of BBC Scotland. During his weather delivery, reference is made to a number of properties not usually mentioned in regular weather forecasts, but with specific 'Royal' connections:
- Dumfries House in Ayrshire houses an unique collection of Chippendale furniture and in 2007 was acquired alongwith its contents and adjoining land (about 2,000 acres) by a consortium of charities headed by Prince Charles, with the aim of keeping this historical jewel intact and accessible to the public;
- Balmoral [Castle] and its estate has, since 1848 when it was purchased by HM Queen Victoria, been the Scottish home of the British Royal Family;
- The Castle of Mey was purchased by the late Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother in 1952 as a 'holiday home' following the death of her husband, King George VI, and she spent many summers and briefer periods at other times of the year here until her death in 2002. In 1966 She transferred ownership of the castle to the Queen Elizabeth Castle of Mey Trust and since Her death the Trust has opened the castle and grounds/gardens to visitors, except during a period of about two weeks at the end of July and the early part of August when Prince Charles and his wife (known in Scotland as the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay) spend a holiday there - his wife is perhaps better known outside Scotland as the Duchess of Cornwall, after another of Charles' titles, Duke of Cornwall, traditionally held by the [male] Heir to the British Throne from birth - very importantly the Duchy of Cornwall is a major land and property owner and provides an independent income to the Heir.

I think Prince Charles did a pretty good job overall, specially for a first effort. However it would be remiss of me not to mention that when I first saw a recording of his appearance as a weather forecaster I could not quite get out of my head the idea that He was conducting a very clever parody of Himself as portrayed by satirist Rory Bremner:

You decide!

Addendum: I've just discovered a lengthier recording of Prince Charles' weather forecasting exploits to which is appended the same forecast being read by his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall - and I have say she is pretty good, too. You can see it here

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