Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Election 2010 - Candidates in Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey

The following are the candidates standing in the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey constituency. The Party websites are all shown in the 'UK Politics - Election 2010' mini-blogroll in the right column, but for simplicity I repeat the relevant links below; some of the political parties have both a national (UK) website and a dedicated Scottish (SC), some have a local Party website (LPW), as are links to candidates' personal websites. All links are shown below, where they exist:

Alexander, Danny (Alexander, Daniel Grian)
Liberal Democrat - UK - SC - LPW - his website

Boyd, Dr Donald MacLeod
Scottish Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship" - UK - SC - his website

Durrance, Ross Scott
UK Independence Party - UK - SC - his UKIP page

Ferguson, Jim (Ferguson-Hannah, James Alasdair Neil)
Conservative - UK - SC - LPW - his website

Finnie, John (Finnie, John Bradford
Scottish National Party - UK/SC - LPW - his SNP page

Fraser, Kit (Fraser, Christopher James)
The Joy of Talk - Article - Amazon

MacDonald, George
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - UK

Macleod, Donnie
Green - UK - SC - LPW

Robb, Mike (Robb, Michael Gerard)
Labour - UK - SC - his website (his blog)

Highland Council have a page in their website for the UK Parliamentary Election 2010 here. Full nomination details for the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey constituency can be seen here.

The BBC Election 2010 website is here, with details of every constituency available here. Visit the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey constutency page for more detailed information about it.

A couple of the official nominations shown in the Highland Council website are not currently shown in the BBC website. Presumably they were late nominations; the two names involved are:
- Boyd, Dr Donald MacLeod;
- Fraser, Kit (Fraser, Christopher James).

PS/ (added 30APR2010) See my later post dated 21APR2010 for candidate details in the other two Highland Council area constituencies:
- Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Constituency;
- Ross, Skye and Lochaber Constituency.


  1. Less impolite than my own overview of my constituency in Glasgow Central, but a virtuous bit of citizen participation nonetheless, Bill!

    Dare I ask, is it your intention to vote for the Tory?

  2. Hi Lallands

    Thanks for your nice comments. I usually put up all the leaflets I receive through my own letter-box as a sort of historic record (I've been doing this for about the past 7 years), but this time as I am not in the Scotland (or the UK) it won't be possible, although I will probably upload them once I return home in early-June, but by then of course it will be of archival interest only.

    That really answers your question. If I was at my Scottish home (rather than my Spanish one) I'd almost certainly be voting 'Conservative', but I don't feel too guilty about not voting, because INB&S tends to flick between LibDem(currently), Labour (previously) or perhaps SNP (the Holyrood constituency is held by them); the Conservatives come a distant fourth.

    Am I correct in thinking that you might be voting SNP? How likely is that to be effective in what is probably a Labour stronghold, even now when that Party has trashed the economy? Not entirely neural there, am I ;)

  3. ... obviously I meant to type 'neutral', but my error has a certain charm (and meaning), too ;)

  4. Well, like all blog posts, James, if you don't find it worthwhile to read it, then don't ;) I try always, at elections, to have a completely unbiased listing of all the available candidates in my area, with all their various links assembled together - that is 'the point'. Doh!

  5. Your guess may be not entirely shy of the mark. Needless to say, unless there is a significant upset, it won't be an election where I'll be wielding significant power. My well Glaswegians will probably trip out for Labour as usual, despite the unseemly manner in which their candidate was selected. Despite, as you say, pretty much everything.


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