Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this morning. I hope your day is good so far.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Election 2010 - Candidates in Highland Council area constituencies

As a result of my article yesterday about the constitunecy where I live (Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey [INB&S]) I have very kindly been sent a copy of Highland Council's 'press release' of all nominations in the three constituencies within Highland Council's area of operations. I don't generally cover constituencies other than my own in any great detail (relying on the generally excellent BBC election website instead), but because the BBC website omits inadvertantly (*) a number of those appearing in my own constiituency (see linked article above where this factor is alluded to), as well as in the other constituencies, I am listing below official candidate nomination details for the other two constituencies as well; obviously the Highland Council website (relevant page here) has full details:

Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Constituency


GRAHAM, Alastair
Scottish Conservative & Unionist

Scottish Labour Party

THURSO, John Archibald
Scottish Liberal Democrats

Scottish National Party (SNP)

Ross, Skye and Lochaber Constituency

ANDERSON, Philip Andrew
UK Independence Party

CAMERON, Donald Andrew John
Scottish Conservatives


KENNEDY, Charles Peter
Scottish Liberal Democrats

MCKENDRICK, John Dempster
Scottish Labour Party

SCOTT, Eleanor Roberta
Scottish Green Party

STEPHEN, Alasdair MacGregor
Scottish National Party (SNP)

As a reminder I repeat the following BBC website information from my earlier article. The BBC Election 2010 website is here, with details of every constituency available here.

(*) Highland Council advise they have brought the omissions to the attention of the BBC, who in turn have confirmed they will be rectifying matters as quickly as possible.

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