Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this evening. Dinner and a concert beckons.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Quote of the day, re the BNP

(Please see UPDATE at end)

Most amusing remark this evening in CoffeeHouse about the likely change in the BNP's constitution to allow non-white Britons in addition to those indigenous to these islands to join the Party:

"The Spectator has maintained that the party’s domestic policies are inspired by racial supremacist ideology and that its economic policies are like Dagenham – that is, three stops beyond Barking. The membership’s decision, forced on them by a court order with which they must comply, changes nothing."

- "its economic policies are like Dagenham – that is, three stops beyond Barking." Marvellous! And pretty accurate too, of course - and they're still racist scum, whatever this cosmetic change might be intended to con people into believing.

UPDATE: (Sunday 15NOV09 22.45 BST) It seems somehow to be appropriate that BNP leader, Mr Nick Griffin MEP, is to stand as the PPC for his Party for the Barking constituency at the next Westminster election. One wonders if rumours of this development were not what prompted the CoffeeHouse article that stirred me into writing this article earlier today, else it is a remarkable coincidence - even more remarkable if it was that Griffin, having heard about the article, thought well 'why not give it a go?'.


  1. ha ha ha superb

    Meanwhile over in Glasgow a couple of thousand anti-racism protesters marched through the city under the banner Scotland United, in opposition to the Scottish Defence League (SDL), a similar groupd to the BNP, hell bent on islamaphobia.

  2. It'll be interesting to see what actually happens with them over this.


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