Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Nairn Blogmeet - Wednesday 2 SEP

(Please see UPDATE at end)

Nairn bloggers are planning a blogmeet next Wednesday at 7.30pm; the precise location has yet to be finalised (the place we went last time is excellent, but may be a little busy at this time of year, however there are a few other places nearby that will be good, too). It will be the second meeting of bloggers in Nairn; the first was held back in mid-February and three of us turned up on that occasion (Graisg at A Gurn from Nurn and Brian at MyNairn, plus me) and all three of us are planning to be there again this time. We're hoping a few more local bloggers will be able to come along and join us next week so we can have a general chat about the habit/drug/obsession that blogging is for some of us.

If you have a blog and are based in Nairn or the Nairn area (e.g. people from places such as Forres or Inverness or in-between, etc) and would like to come along, it'd be great to meet up and exchange ideas. Indeed if you live elsewhere, but have a blog and happen to be in Nairn next week, please get in touch with one of the three of us by email; my contact information is in the right-hand column under the 'Feedback' section or click here. It should be good fun I hope.

UPDATE: See my later article with full details of where we'll be meeting here.


  1. Good to see the Highland & Speyside blogging community growing and thriving.

    If I was at home in Buckie I'd surely have tried to get across.

  2. Ah, is that where you're from? It's a pity you can't make it. There used to be a Blogger I knew of in Elgin, but he stopped blogging, oh it must be 3 or 4 years ago now.


  3. Aye, live in Glasgow now but in Aberdeen a lot and back home relatively often.

    I will try to make any future ones that are planned.

  4. Hi again,

    Although this was mentioned between ourselves in June, it only came back to life very recently - so little notice, specially for outsiders to make it - maybe for the next one we'll try and plan further ahead so people like you might be able to attend if oyu're in the area.


  5. Aye Bill, as bit more notice would be grand. A night out in Nairn would do me the world of good but it's difficult to arrange at such short notice.

    I'm not going to pay top whack for hotels at this time of year either!

  6. Hi Subrosa

    You would certainly be very welcome at a future meet up here; I hope we can give a little more notice next time :) I wasn't sure if people from quite so far as Dundee would consider a special trip 'up north' worthwhile, but if you can come in future that would be great.

    Best regards


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