Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early evening. Time for tea, or perhaps a cocktail.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

It's been some days since I blogged here

... and it may be a few more before I get the time other than to look in occasionally. For the past week I've been completely preoccupied with producing material (and ideas) for a forthcoming meeting of the owners of the place where I have my home in Spain and that has taken almost all of my time. Apart from that the rest of my time revolves for the moment around visiting my mother in the nursing home where she now lives and getting the last details of her move from her former home sorted out administratively - electricity, council tax, etc. I hold her Power of Attorney so am having to get all her affairs adjusted to suit her new circumstances - apart from the frustration of dealing with various organisations (bank, utilities) and government agencies, whose level of efficiency is 'variable' to put it at its kindest, it is in some ways a rather sad task because her former quite independent life is really definitively at and end. We are very lucky that she remains pretty normal mentally (if a little forgetful), but physical ailmments have made life quite difficult and painful for her - we all get old, but it's different for everyone I suppose. So if I do look in here again in the next few days it will most likely be as brief as this article - apart from that, all is well here.


  1. Scottish Spaniard - interesting concept, Bill.

  2. No comprendo, senor? It's where I have a second-home, as do many tens of thousands of our fellow-countrymen and women - lol :)


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