Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

The sound of silence

I've just realised I haven't updated either of my blogs in over a week. There's no special reason - I'm just doing other things and quite enjoying it. I did draft a few posts during the week, but couldn't be bothered to finalise them and press the 'publish' button. There's certainly been a lot to record with the government continuing its spiral downward from incompetence and sleaze to mendacity - lots of bloggers are doing a first-rate job of exposing and commenting (too many to mention) on this. Nothing new, it's just the usual from the shambles of a Labour government that is currently (but hopefully for not much longer) still in power, even if it still has the power to surprise with its brazenness.

As for me, well I'm sitting here after lunch contemplating a walk up over the nearby hills. It's a beautiful day, bright blue sky and warm out of the wind, although there is a slight coolness out of the sun - not so much though that I can't sit here quite comfortably on the sofa with the front door open out on to the patio, overlooking the valley in front. The air is quite remarkably clear today (yesterday, too) so the other rim of the bowl/valley (maybe 7-10km away) is extremely distinct.

!hasta mañana!

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