Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Police State Britain - just another telling incident

Still under any illusion that Britain is not a 'Police State'?

Watch this:

"Man arrested on suspicion of photographing a drain"

You can read the full story here, where I came across the video-clip.

NB/ Channel M is apparently a television broadcaster available only in the Manchester ares, either through an aerial or by satellite.


  1. Hi Bill

    This is worse, far far more so that the 'Drain' incident. Maybe you've heard about it ... a video clip of the police in action at the G20 Summit in London.

    It is worth noting that, had the police realised that they were being filmed they could have arrested the photographer under the Counter Terrorism Act 2008 and confiscated the film.

    Fortunately they didn’t notice.

    Feel free to post this on your blog. It needs to be seen as widely as possible. What's happening in UK is frightening.

  2. The more I have learned about this latest incident the more serious it seems. Like you I am extremely worried about developments in the UK - there seems to be a new serious incident coming to light about the police over-stepping the limit on a far too regular basis.

    My only excuse for not blogging about this already is that I'm currently in Spain and today and yesterday we've had our first decent days in the past couple of weeks, so I have been walking in the hills near where I live here.


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