Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

New link added - Yapping Yousuf

I haven't done a 'link added' post in quite a long time, even if I've been updating my blogroll (additions and deletions) quietly over the months. However occasionally a new blog comes along that merits a special mention because of the liveliness of its writing - such a new blog is Yapping Yousif which according to its author is the: "blog of Yousuf, scottish labour activist, formula 1 fanatic, economics geek, extremely infrequent gym user...". It won't surprise many that a lot of what he writes is complete left-wing nonsense (in my opinion) as his world-view is radically different from my own, but there are nuggets in what he writes that I find myself agreeing with too. However, whatever he writes is in a lively and interesting style and reveals a thoughtful individual so he deserves a mention in my blogroll.

It's particularly appropriate, too, to add his blog now as the Scottish blogging world saw the 'retirement', hopefully not permanent, of Kezia Dugdale's Soapbox which I wrote about earlier in the week (her blog never actually made it into my blogroll, only into my feed aggregator and as it's effectively been removed from public view it won't go in now, at least until it re-appears again, if that ever happens).

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