Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early morning, but I'm probably still sound asleep.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

I want a referendum on the EU Reform Treaty

The government has gone back on its promise at the 2005 General Election to hold a referendum on the EU Constitutional Treaty (now defunct), which has been replaced by an EU Reform Treaty. Most commentators (including many heads of government of other EU member states) agree that the EU Reform Treaty is in all important respects indistinguishable from the EU Constitutional Treaty, rejected in referenda by the peoples of France and the Netherlands. Having failed to be ratified unanimously within two years by all 15 members of the EU when the ratification process was launched this Treaty has become defunct.

The new EU Reform Treaty was signed in December 2007 by heads of government in Lisbon and must be ratified by all 27 current members of the EU within two years in order to take effect. The UK government, almost alone amongst governments of EU, contends that the new Treaty is sufficently different from the defunct EU Constitutional Treaty that its commitment to hold a referendum amongst the British people is no longer valid. If you disagree and you wish to signal to our government that they MUST honour their 2005 pledge to hold a referendum on this crucial piece of legislation to decide whether it is ratified by the UK, then I urge you to add your name to the petition.

Please click on the logo above or the link which follows to visit the I Want A Referendum . com website.

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