Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

"Scottish Parliament - 2007 Election" blogroll moved to more prominent position in left column

I have decided to move my dedicated blogroll for the forthcoming Scottish Parliament elections nearly to the top of my blogroll lists in the left-hand column. It now comes immediately after the 'Filthy Lucre' [because I am a 'capitalist roader' and proud of it] and 'Aggregator Sites' sections [because the only link there at present is what this blog is really all about, even though I try not to be aggressive about it (*)]. The main blogroll, 'Blogs you may like', follows on immediately after these.

The "Scottish Parliament - 2007 Election" blogroll will remain in place for at least a few weeks after the results of the forthcoming election are known, when it will be removed completely as there is already a general 'UK politics' blogroll further down the left-hand column.

As you were ...

(*) In fact no longer strictly true, as I have now added the link to the 'Political Opinions' aggregator, because I have noticed in the past few weeks an increasing number of referrals here from that site, so thought it was about time I reciprocated.)

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