Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early evening. Time for tea, or perhaps a cocktail.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Bill's Comment Page is five years old today!

Five years already! I did think when I wrote on the occasion of last year's anniversary for this blog that it might be coming to the time when I was ready to call it a day - at one point last Autumn I even thought for a while (when my posting here had become very sporadic) that I would [try and] keep going until today - and then stop. Well that is not about to happen; not for a while anyway! Over the past few months, even though I have been wintering in Spain, I have found it quite interesting to be able to blog on a wide range of topics, some relating to my time here in Spain whilst continuing to look at issues relating to Scotland, the UK in general or 'gay' matters. Over the coming few weeks there is also the excitement of the forthcoming Scottish Parliament and local elections - so even though I shall be travelling back to Scotland later this month I will be blogging on that, and on other issues, before I leave here and whilst 'on the road' will (wi-fi permitting) try and do some 'travelogue' blogging.

I'll continue blogging for as long as I find it worthwhile; over the five years to date there have been a few lulls in posting and there may be more over the coming year - I think most bloggers experience this. At any rate I would like, once more, to thank all those who have taken the time to visit my little blog during the year and occasionally been kind enough to comment on what I have written. And now it's way too late for me to be out of bed - my little dog will be badgering me around 6am or 7am to let her out into the garden!

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