Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early evening. Time for tea, or perhaps a cocktail.

Monday, 9 April 2007

New blog header banner with flags ...

... of countries I shall be travelling through on my way back to the Highlands of Scotland.

I shall be leaving the Murcia region of Spain on Wednesday and travelling north over the following five days to the Netherlands where I expect to arrive next Sunday. I'll be spending about five days there staying with my brother and his wife before travelling back to Scotland on the Zeebrugge to Rosyth ferry and should be back in Nairn on 21st April. I've changed the banner a couple of days before leaving here because I'll have broadband in the house here only until sometime on Tuesday and shall be pretty busy tomorrow. I'll probably do a little travel-blogging, wi-fi permitting, from the hotels I'll be using during my travel up to the Netherlands (I'll be spending nights in Valencia, Girona and St Rambert d'Albon [about 60 Km south of Lyon] and a final night before arriving in the Netherlands with friends in a tiny hamlet in Lorraine in north-eastern France), but once I get there I doubt if I shall be on a computer much, except perhaps to check my e-mails.

I've really enjoyed my three months here, the first time I have spent most of the winter away from Scotland (since I returned to live in the UK in 1994) and now I'm just looking forward to returning here for a couple of weeks this coming November to complete the formalities once my house here is completed. That'll permit me to come back out here next January for my 3-month winter sojourn here, something I plan to do every year from now on; whilst I love Scotland in the Spring, Summer and Autumn I can can, to be honest, do without it in the winter, specially the 'dead months' of January and February.

Right, it's really late; I've been on the computer all evening updating another website (now done, thankfully) so I had better get off to bed - the dog will want out into the garden anytime between 6am and 8am; she is getting on in years and I'm afraid requires to have 'personal visits' at regular intervals if the house is to remain wholesome.

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