Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early evening. Time for tea, or perhaps a cocktail.

Friday, 10 February 2006

Having fun with my new laptop

I wrote a couple of days ago that I had ordered a new laptop to allow me to make use of a wireless network I want to install at home - well, it arrived this afternoon and (apart from taking time to eat and take the dog for a walk) I have of course been having fun getting it working. That was pretty straightforward and indeed within half an hour of switching it on I was online using my existing wired broadband connection, but at least I have got most of the important bits set up and this is the first blog post I am writing on it. The machine is a Fujitsu-Siemens, just like my desktop, and has a rather smart 17" widescreen, although I think I shall get myself another mouse to use when I'm at home with it, as the built-in mousepad, whilst functional, is not so easy to use as one you can move around the desk; I've found the same with every laptop I've ever used.

In a few days time I'll be installing the wireless network itself and then will come the fun of blogging wirelessly from wherever in my home I choose, although I expect I shall still use the desktop in my study quite a lot of the time. Right then, this has been a purely narcissistic post, just to test various things to do with Blogger on my new machine, but as I must still take the dog for her final walk of the evening before we both pop off to our respective beds I had better close now.

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