Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Wednesday, 4 January 2006

Hosting problems with main website

(See UPDATE at end of this post)

I'm having some hosting problems with my main website ( and until these are sorted out there may be some delay in completing loading my blog page ( This is because some of the images I use in my blog are in fact hosted on the same server I use for my main website, rather than on the 'blogspot' server, principally because I sometimes use these same images in my main website and it seemed sensible not to dublicate images on different servers.

Assuming the hosting problems are resolved in the next day or so the immediate problem will be over, but I am considering a number of longer-term solutions to try and ensure the problems don't recur. Meantime I apologise for any inconvenience you experience when trying to load my blog page in your browser.

UPDATE: (Wednesday 04JAN06 18.05 GMT) At least on the page of 'current posts' I've worked around most of the problems relaing to the use of images in my blog which are hosted on my main website; I have now uploaded the relevant images to the '' host. However, many similar images used in earlier posts will still not function correctly. Also in the right-hand column the links under the three headings 'My Main Website', 'Memorial Pages' and 'Atkins Diet' are to the '' website so obviously will not function correctly for the moment; if I have no resolution to the hosting problems there in the next couple of days I will have to work out a way of circumventing this problem by uploading certain of the pages to alternative servers, either to the '' server or to a couple of others which host websites for me, but I don't want to start doing this yet - life really is too short. In any case, loading my blog 'current posts' page, at least, should now work smoothly.

2nd UPDATE: (Wednesday 11JAN05 01.35 GMT) My main website has sprung back to life. Whilst I am happy about this, I have already decided to make alternative arrangements for the hosting of this site - see here; once these plans are finalised and implemented I will write again.

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