Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early morning, but I'm probably still sound asleep.

Wednesday, 23 November 2005

Conservatives still have some way to go on 'gay rights' it seems!

What has provoked me out of my rather lengthy absence from posting here? No surprise really, but the Conservatives still seem to be intent on identifying themselves as unreconstructed bigots when it comes to gays and lesbians. Surely these idiots can't still be rabbiting on about the details of whom we should be granting full human rights to in this country when there are so many more important things for them to be getting on with - not forgetting bringing their 6 month search for a new Leader to a conclusion?

Eleanor Laing, the Conservatives Equality spokeswoman is quoted here as opining during a debate in the House of Commons on the Equality Bill and its clause which will ban discrimination against people in the provision of goods and services due to their religion or their sexuality, that:

"a small hotel with two or three rooms should not be treated in the same way in legislation as a large central London hotel with 100 rooms."

- if the Conservatives were to have their way it would mean that small boarding houses could continue to discriminate against persons desirous of finding lodging (sorry to be so pompous in my phraseology) purely on the basis of their sexuality or their religion. Just as happened here in the west of Scotland last summer in the case of two gay tourists.

And of course the Conservatives want to repeal or emasculate the Human Rights Act - the Act that forced the British government to end its discriminatory policies against gays regarding service in the military and the equalisation of the age of consent. Changes which the Conservatives vociferously opposed. Just as, until Howard became Leader, they were equally vociferously opposed to allowing civil partnerships between same-sex partners.

Gawd give me strength! Can these Conservatives not put a new disc on the player! I am basically a Conservative by instinct, but these idiots seem determined to alienate me and a lot more like me with their silly, nasty policies. It irritates me, no it angers me, that the Conservatives seem determined to force me into agreeing with Labour policies when I despise so much of what the Labour Party stands for.

Will it be any different if David Cameron (or David Davis) becomes the Leader shortly? I will be watching, listening and observing closely ...

UPDATE: (Thursday 24NOV05 19.15 GMT) Pink News has very creditably given Eleanor Laing a 'right of reply' and their article including a letter she sent them, which they reprint, is here. It is important for gays and lesbians to be scrupulously fair when highlighting [what some, me included, call] vicious and bigotted policies; linking to her reply in Pink News is my small contribution to this effort. I will continue to watch, listen and observe closely not only what the Conservative Party, and the other political parties, says and more importantly does [or attempts].

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