Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this evening. Dinner and a concert beckons.

Friday, 28 May 2004

Blogger template code - lost forever!!

I just had an e-mail back from Blogger a short time ago. Bad news! They tell me that a software problem sometimes causes this to happen; they suggested I use one of their standard templates, specially as I have done a lot of 'tweaking' to my page. This same thing happened about a year ago (!), although on that occasion they were able to restore the code from a back-up on their own system.

Rather than go down that route, I've used a stored version on my own PC of the HTML code. Unfortunately it is not a very recent back-up, so whilst it looks broadly similar to my recent version, there are still some major (and some more subtle) differences - notably the fact that I was using another 'comment' provider at the time and as I was never happy with them I have simply deleted that part of the code until I have time to restore the 'Haloscan' code (I don't think the comments themselves are lost, as they are on the 'Haloscan' server). So, just for the moment, there is no 'comment' facility - my apologies, please bear with me.

The lesson (a bitter one!) in all this is that I will now be backing-up my template code on a weekly basis on my own PC. Sigh ...

UPDATE: (28MAY04 08.20 BST) Unbelievable!! The same thing just happened again - the final part of the HTML code involving the Blogger button link and the closing part of the page was lost during the publishing of the first version of this post. Something really strange is going on at Blogger just at present - I advise being very vigilant in beeping your code backed-up on your own PC, if you use Blogger to publish your weblog.

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