Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Saturday 17 April 2004

Dr Jeffrey John is rumoured to be up for senior Anglican appointment

The BBC (and other news media) are reporting that Downing Street is preparing to announce next Tuesday the appointment of Dr Jeffrey John as Dean of St Albans, one of the most senior posts in the Church of England.

It will be recalled that Dr John made the decision to [was prevailed upon to] stand down as Bishop of Reading last July prior to his consecration in order to end the controversy surrounding his appointment, fuelled by elements who objected to a homosexual becoming a Bishop. It is to be expected that there will be renewed controversy if the speculated new appointment takes place. I hope, this time, that the Church authorities (i.e. Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams) will mount a more robust defence this time around. What price Church unity if it is bought at the cost of succumbing to what is effectively blackmail by those who spout their messages of divisiveness and hate?

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