Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Nairn murder - police release new image of gun used to kill Alistair Wilson

Det Supt Malcolm Stewart of Police Scotland's new Major Investigation Team North has emphasised that the "investigation remains firmly open" into the murder of banker Alistair Wilson in November 2004 on the front doorstep of his home in Nairn.

As part of the latest "fresh look" into the evidence, a new photograph of the murder weapon has been released by Police Scotland and is quoted as saying: "The weapon is a significant age - dating back well over 60 years - so piecing together its history could very well help provide us with new leads. It is a Haenal Suhl Model 1 Schmeissers patent handgun, manufactured between 1920 and 1945 at the Schmeisser factory in Germany. The ammunition was .25 calibre made by Sellier and Bellot in Czech Republic between 1983 and 1993." An image of the type of bullet used has also been released.

Whether there is any special significance in the fact that this new more detailed information about the weapon and ammunition used is being released now is unknown, but perhaps it is hoped that it may jog the memories of those with useful information, or encourage those who have until now been reluctant, to come forward with this to "help the police with their inquiries" and possibly lead to progress being made to solve this murder almost nine years ago.

You can read the full Police Scotland appeal here and anyone with any information regarding the incident or who thinks they may recognise the gun should contact Police Scotland on 101 or, if they wish to remain anonymous, through the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

My most recent previous article on the murder is here. There are links to all my posts on this murder, so close to where I live, in the right-hand column under the heading 'Murder in Nairn' articles.

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