Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Scottish Referendum "Propaganda" begins

I write above that the "Propaganda" efforts with which we will undoubtedly be faced in the many months leading up to the referendum on Scottish "Independence"/"Separation" have begun, because I found in my mail-box this morning a leaflet from the "Yes" campaign - the organisation that published this particular leaflet calls itself "Yes Scotland" and has, according to the leaflet, an address in Glasgow. Although no mention is made of it in the leaflet, this is the organisation supported by the SNP Scottish Government in furtherance of its [the SNP, that is] political aim to take Scotland out of the current political arrangements it has as one of the partners in the United Kingdom, along with England, Wales and Northern Ireland and establish a separate country.

Scottish Referendum "Propaganda"

Click here to see enlargements of all these photographs.

The "Yes Scotland" campaign
(All pages from a one-fold leaflet received today)




Click here to see enlargements of all these photographs.

People who have read my blog over the years will be under no illusions where I stand on this issue and I make no pretence that I do not have very strong views on it. I oppose the "Yes Scotland" campaign, instead I support the "Better Together" campaign, because I want to see Scotland remain fully integrated into the UK with its partners England, Wales and Northern Ireland. However, just as I am doing today, I will publish here any leaflet I receive through my mail-box in support of either side of the question and shall describe them all as Scottish Referendum "Propaganda", yes even those which support the views I hold, just as I have published all electoral leaflets received through my mail-box in most election campaigns in recent years

If you wish to find out more about the Yes Scotland campaign, you can visit its website here.

If you wish to find out more about the Better Together campaign, you can visit its website here.

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