Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early morning, but I'm probably still sound asleep.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

North Korea and that "incident" in Glasgow

There was a very unfortunate incident yesterday evening in Glasgow prior to a women's football match involving the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK - more commonly known as North Korea) competing in a London 2012 Olympics football match, when the flag of the 'other' country on the Korean Peninsula was shown in error. LOCOG ('London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games') have apologised for the error and after about an hour's delay the DPRK team agreed to return to the field of play after having walked off when they saw the wrong flag being shown.

I hope there will not be similar easily-avoidable (with a bit of care!) gaffes in coming days, although the linked report says that LOCOG have not yet established who made the offending video-clip. Don't they have such 'minor details' on file of who their sub-contractors are, if only so they can settle production invoices? The cynic in me now wonders if there will be found on the production staff someone from one or other of the 'two Koreas' who was trying to make some kind of point. Whatever the case, it was rather unfortunate - it's not as if the two flags are in any way similar (the way for example that the flags of Italy/Ireland or Netherlands/Luxembourg might at first glance be mixed up). One could hardly have imagined a gaffe likely to cause more upset than this one, specially as the two countries are technically still at war with each other.

In any case, here is the anthem and flag of the DPRK; the tune is quite rousing, whatever else one might say about it and that country:

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