Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Monday, 20 June 2011

The egotist has landed ...

Yes, "The Donald" has jetted-in in an aeroplane bearing his name to oversee progress on his new golf course development near Aberdeen. According to the linked BBC report, he is is expected to spend a number of days at the Menie Estate.

I watched an interview with him on the BBC news at 1 o'clock and he was quite frank in stating that, without the projected golf development arousing controversy, few would know it was happening and although he did not state this explicitly he implied very strongly that he was very happy with this. Of course "The Donald" could never be accused of being a shrinking violet! And why should he be? He has built up what appears to be a successful business empire and 'brand' by being brash and tough, with his name being plastered across everything from office buildings, hotels and of course his aeroplane. My attitude is definitely one of "Good luck to him!" and of course I am not one of those who objects to him developing a golfing, hotel, residential and leisure complex north of Aberdeen, indeed I think it is great and I hope the whole place will be a huge success once completed.

PS/ My slightly ironic title for this article is not in any way critical of him, it is just my little joke based on the title of the movie The Eagle has Landed, by Trump's hawk-like facial features and his not inconsiderable ego.

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