Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this late evening. Nearly time for bed.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Randy Wearside woman told to cut the noise during sex

A couple in Washington on Wearside (near Newcastle-upon-Tyne) have been making a nuisance of themselves with the VERY LOUD noises they make when having sex on a very regular basis and for hours on end. Caroline and Steve Cartwright are obviously a very 'compatible' couple, with voracious sexual appetites - but Newcastle Crown Court is not impressed, any more than are the postman, neighbours or a woman taking her child to school. Dismissing her claim under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act (concerning "respect for her private and family life"), Recorder Jeremy Freedman said:

"We are in no doubt whatsoever about the level of noise that can be heard in neighbouring properties, in the street and in the back lane.

"It certainly was intrusive and constituted a statutory nuisance. It was clearly of a very disturbing nature and it was also compounded by the duration - this was not a one-off, it went on for hours at a time.

"It is further compounded by the frequency of the episode, virtually every night."

These folk are obviously veritable athletes in the bedroom! It's not over yet - she'll be up in court again in December in connection with the alleged breaches of her ASBO 'awarded' because of the racket.

(This marvellous story came to me courtesy of an article in the Gay Banker blog)


  1. Well, at least she was enjoying it.

  2. If they market this carefully they will soon have enough cash to buy somewhere more isolated :-)


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