Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this evening. Dinner and a concert beckons.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Eurovision 2008 - Scorecard for the final tonight

(Please see UPDATES at end)

If you will be watching the final of the Eurovision Song Contest from Belgrade tonight (as I shall) you may care to know you can print out a scorecard here (it's in .PDF format). The main BBC Eurovision website is here.

On other less-important [irony alert!] matters, it is good to know that the rest of the country is catching up with my long-standing (i.e. pre-1997) views of the Labour Party and its former Chancellor of the Exchequer and its present Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. Why, even the caravanner knows things have to change! I doubt, however, that this particular 'leopard' can change his spots in any meaningful way - not meaningful enough at any rate to fool the British public again at the next General Election, if indeed he is still the Leader of the Labour Party then. Even if the Labour Party does decide on the 'nuclear option' and replace Brown, I doubt it will improve their electoral prospects for the next election more than marginally.

Now, back to more important matters, there are just about 9 hours until the start of the Eurovision Song Contest final tonight!

UPDATE: (23.27 BST) Please see my later post with the results of the competition - won by Russia!

UPDATE: (Saturday 16MAY09 15.00 RST/CET) You can find the scorecard for the 2009 final through the link here.

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