Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

'Halls of Residence' one of possibilities in MPs expenses review

(Please see UPDATE at end)

This amused me greatly when I read it! About six months ago I wrote a post, picking up on a Green Party suggestion for a similar arrangement to be considered from MSPs in Edinburgh - and was mocked with all sorts of spurious arguments against it (see the comments to that post) by a completely disinterested party [not], i.e. someone who will be a candidate at the next Scottish Parliament elections (note: I was reminded - see comments - that he wil in fact be a candidate at the next Westminster elections).

Although the linked article considers that the possibility of the country acquiring a suitably large premises to accommoddate all the MPs who need to travel a significant time/distance to get to Westminster from their constituencies is somewhat remote, if only because of the sheer cost of land/buildings in London, I am pleased that it has not been ruled out completely; perhaps those on the committee felt that, in the current climate of critisism of parliamentary expenses, they just had to look at every option, even those which might perhaps be less attractive to some of our [aspiring] representatives.

UPDATE: (Thursday 3APR08 08.45 RST+1) Guido has taken up the call for Halls of Residence for MPs; some of the comments to that post are quite pertinent.

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