Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Catalan Vice-President to meet with Scottish 'PM' Alex Salmond

The Vice-President of the Cataluña regional government, Josep Lluís Carod Rovira, is to meet with First Minister Alex Salmond this evening in Edinburgh, ostensibly to discuss "common issues such as respective financial systems, foreign policy and immigration". As well as his regional government position in Cataluña, he is also leader of the ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya - 'The Republican Left of Catalonia, a left-wing Party campaigning for independence for Catalonia and Catalan Countries from Spain and France). I suppose it's a case of political 'birds of a feather' flocking together - urghh!

However it is being speculated that the plans to hold 'independence' referenda in the two countries/regions (describe them how you will) in 2010 and 2014 respectively are also going to be discussed in this 'closed doors' meeting. Following this meeting, Señor Josep Lluís Carod Rovira and Cataluña Foreign Affairs minister Roser Clavel will together have a meeting with the 'President' (i.e. the Presiding Officer) of the Scottish Parliament, Alex Fergusson.

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