Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Thursday, 31 May 2007

Additions to blogroll - May 2007

I haven't formally updated my Blogroll for quite a long time, but I have in fact been adding new blogs to those I read regularly in my blog aggregator and a few of these have already crept in unannounced into the blogroll. Many others haven't - although they undoubtedly merit a place there too. Well, it's time to put that right. Similarly I conduct regular pruning of the blogroll, one of the basic criteria for which is non-activity for three months.

In the past I have written a paragraph about new blogs I add, but I am abandoning this practice and replacing it with just a few words of comment. This will make it a speedier process to write these posts and with a bit of luck lead to more regular updates in future. In general my blogroll reflects a few main strands - gay bloggers and those who write about politics and current affairs; sometimes these strands overlap, sometimes not. I like to include blogs within my blogroll by people who have a wide range of political viewpoints, some of which I happen to disagree with strongly. However all write well and interestingly and whilst 'profanity' has no place in my own little blog (see my Terms of use) many of those I link to have a very different policy and that is just fine by me; to each his or her own. Now, on with the show:

asterism - sophisticated and balanced commentary by an Iraqi who has spent most of his life in London.
BellgroveBelle - a recently-elected SNP Councillor; let's see how she performs for real.
come back to what you know - A young gay blogger; he writes on an eclectic range of topics and he writes well.
Come into my World - fluffy, amusing and with lots of nice pictures of good-looking totty; nothing too naughty, though. - whilst an indispensible resource for those interested in developments within the Conservative Party, it can be a haven of extremely reactionary viewpoints.
doctorvee (Duncan Stephen) - a young Scottish blogger and a long overdue addition to my blogroll.
Ewan's blog (Ewan Watt) - a newish blog which generally makes sense.
Fisking Central - on a mission to puncture balloons.
Green Ribbon, The - news, opinion and analysis from London Irish journalist Tom Griffin; brings another perspective to British politics.
High Maintenance Hags - amusingly describes his blog as "My wonderful harem of fag hags. I love them all, but I don't put up with any of their female tomfoolery." A familiar dilemma for gay men!
Holyrood Chronicles - a refreshing look at the Scottish Parliament and Executive.
Ian Hamilton QC - the blog of a Scottish nationalist and a QC. Infuriating, but very interesting; well-written goes without saying.
Inveresk Street Ingrate - the gentle delusions of a member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain living in New York; I read this to remind my why I'm not a socialist, but don't let that put you off.
Life in London Town - life in London as seen by a cute (his description) young and affluent Asian gay guy.
Longrider - libertarian blogging goodness. Quirky.
MacNumpty, J. Arthur (Will Patterson) - refreshing commentary on Scottish politics.
Martin Kelly - thoughts from the west of Scotland; and what thoughts they are! Nuf sed.
Reactionary Snob - trenchant commentary from a libertarian Edinburgh advocate.
NHS Blog Doctor - a candid commentary on healthcare issues in Britain.
NO2ID - the blog of the campaign against ID cards and the database state.
not the record - lively 'rants' on Glaswegian and Scottish politics.
Obsolete - that strange thing, leftist commentary that's actually worth reading.

Phew! I'll try to do this a little more frequently from now on.

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