Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Bill signs off from Murcia ... but, I'll be back !

To coin a phrase. I leave from here (near Mazarron) late tomorrow morning, heading for Valencia as the first overnight stay on my road trip up to the Netherlands - I hope to reach Sweikhuizen, not far from Maastricht, during Sunday afternoon and back home in Nairn the following Saturday afternoon. I'll probably be crossing over the border from Spain into France sometime in the late morning of Friday, having started off from Girona after my second night away from here, heading for St-Rambert d'Albon (about 60 Km south of Lyon)

No more just now, though, I've got to get some (late even for me!) lunch and I expect the technician from the internet office where I stay to be here around 5.30pm to take back the broadband modem which they so promptly installed for me way back in January. So this evening I will be sans-internet; I'll just have to find out what happens in this evening's edition of the Archers tomorrow evening in the hotel in Valencia, assuming I can get a wi-fi connection in the room there; wi-fi is great, but if you don't have optimal reception I find it can disconnect at irritating moments.

My next likely visit out here to Mazarron (Murcia) will probably be sometime in the late Autumn to complete the formalities for the purchase of my house here; it should be ready, I supect, well before then if current progress is a guide so I may bring my Autumn trip forward a little. That'll just be for a couple of weeks, though, as the prelude to another 3-month stay beginning late-January of early-February next year. However a lot will be happening in Scotland between now and then, both in my personal life (about which I may write a little in due course) and Scottish affairs generally, assuming the May elections go the way they seem to be shaping up at present.

¡Hasta luego!

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