Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early evening. Time for tea, or perhaps a cocktail.

Friday, 9 March 2007

Earl and Dowager Countess of Cawdor make peace to help develop Nairn

The Earl of Cawdor and the Dowager Countess of Cawdor have, amazingly, agreed to try and put aside their long-standing and fierce dispute in order to go ahead with development of 274 acres (100 hectares) of land on the outskirts of Nairn into housing, parkland, a sports centre and an arts centre.

Nairn could badly do with a boost to its economy and this development would certainly help enormously. What would also help, of course, is taking forward the plans announced some months ago to develop a Nairn bypass the lack of which has stymied development in and around the town for decades. I think my most recent post on these overall developments in and around Nairn was in August last year and this also discussed the 'warfare' between the Cawdors.

I await developments with interest.

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