Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this evening. Dinner and a concert beckons.

Thursday, 4 May 2006

Clarke prisoner release scandal

One of the persons released after having served his sentences for "serious offences including murder, rape, manslaughter and child sex offences", and who is "classed as one of the most dangerous foreign offenders to have been freed mistakenly by the Home Office in recent years" has been arrested in Aberdeenshire by Grampian Police.

The latest proposals outlined before the House of Commons yesterday by Charles Clarke for new primary legislation to "enable us to detain an individual pending consideration of whether they should be deported or removed as a result of their criminal conviction", and amendments to existing primary legislation so that "deportation appeals, save for those raising asylum or human rights issues that are not clearly unfounded, are heard after the individual has been deported from the UK" may sound superficially good when delivered in the faux-magisterial tones of the Home Secretary, but it is not clear why the proper application of existing legislation, rather than yet more unnecessarily and dangerously authoritarian law-making, is not considered a simpler and more effective option by this spin-obsessed Government. Oh, sorry, my own rhetorical question is answered by the final part of the previous sentence!

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