Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Wednesday, 8 February 2006

Northern Ireland - yet more anti-gay bigotry!

I've written many times in the past about incidents of hompophobia in Northern Ireland particularly, it seems, in the city of [London]Derry.

Now it seems that what are being called 'vigilante' posters have been appearing this week calling for victims of such hate-campaigns to fight back. Whilst I have a lot of sympathy with the attitude of those who one presumes are responsible for these posters and who must be facing lives of fear and frustration when faced with "stabbings, death threats, graffiti and even excrement posted through letterboxes", I must say that violence is not the way. On the other hand, I hope this will be a wake-up call for the police and other services to start protecting ALL our citizens and to root out the hate-mongers.

Surely Northern Ireland has enough problems with its history of religious strife? Have some people in that part of the UK got some kind of death-wish that they wish to discourage investors from helping to make life there better for everyone?

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