Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Tuesday, 5 July 2005

Jacques Chirac on food

I really don't think we need to take Chirac's little outburst particularly seriously; it's not as if this kind of thing is out of character from some people in France.

The most recent deeply unpleasant comment I can recall emanating from l'Hexagone was the charming cartoon in Le Monde at the time of the tsunami in Sumatra last December, when various countries (particularly the US and Australia) were pulling out all the stops to get relief in as fast as possible. Gregory at The Belgravia Despatch has fortunately recorded this for posterity in his blog.

Why, there's even a book about the little mishaps that M. le President has been prone to throughout his life. Chirac is a politician in deep doo-doo, everyone knows it, he most of all. The people I have a certain sympathy for are the many French people who long ago saw through his chicanery. All that will mean nothing, at least temporarily, if Paris is indeed named as the venue for 'Les Jeux Olympics 2012' later today in Singapore. However, let's not fool ourselves, it will only be a temporary respite for l'escroc.

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