Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Thursday, 24 February 2005

On having a 'comments' area in one's blog ...

Stephen Pollard has just posted this remarkable entry in his blog. Of course he, like every other blogger, has the right to decide who, if anyone, may post comments. But for a journalist, whom I have generally admired, who has as part of his self-introduction on his blog:

This is my weblog.

It’s an outlet for all the things I think need to be said, and those which I want to share with my readers. Some postings are my newspaper columns and other articles; the rest are written for this blog.

Agree or disagree (as if any sentient being could possibly disagree!) as you see fit; and do, please, do so via the ‘comments’ buttons.

Remember – this blog is never knowingly understated.

I do wonder if his decision is not a little, well, short-sighted. In any case, if he is going to continue with this new policy, then he really needs to alter the wording of his self-introduction to take account of his change in policy. I doubt if I will bother visiting his site very much in future - it suddenly seems almost irrelevant. This particular 'Emperor' really does seem to have no clothes.

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