Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this late evening. Nearly time for bed.

Thursday, 6 January 2005

New link added - January 2005 - a one-off

I 've just come across 'My Life As A Morrisons Employee' (Updated on 30JAN05 - see end of this post), which seems to be written by a pretty disgruntled employee indeed. A lot of the comments (mostly 'anonymous') are similarly negative about this supermarket chain. I happen to live in a small town whose only decent-size (still pretty small, though) supermarket was a Safeway store and it now operates as a 'compact' store, still under the Safeway brand, but supplied and run by Morrisions since the takeover. However, because it is a 'compact', it will soon be sold to Somerfield - not my preferred supermarket chain by any means. I expect even more of my weekly shopping will be at a Tesco in one of two nearby towns, or occasionally at a large Asda in a town slightly further away. If you are a food shopper in the UK, and you have recently come to know the Morrisons brand, then you probably need to read this blog. The store under Safeway management in this town was pretty abysmal and it certainly hasn't got any worse as part of Morrisons, but it still bears no comparison with Tesco or even with Asda. Unfortunately we don't have either Sainsbury or Waitrose in our part of the country. (Link thru The Policeman's Blog)

UPDATE: (Sunday 30JAN05 14.25 GMT) I have deleted the link to 'My Life As A Morrisons Employee' from my blogroll because the original blog, which was amusing if very acerbic, has been deleted and replaced by what seems to be an attempt by Morrisons to control what is said about them, so as a mere corporate propaganda tool is no longer of any interest to me at all. Added to which my local Morrisons (formerly a Safeway) has now become a 'Somerfield' supermarket instead, it being quite small and therefore one of those which Morrisons had to divest itself of when it acquired Safeway.

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