Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Friday, 8 October 2004

Link added - Romseyredhead (Sandra Gidley)

I just discovered the recently-launched Romseyredhead blog this evening. Sandra Gidley is the MP for Romsey in Hampshire, and is a member of the Liberal Democrat Party. Of course I expect I will have differences of viewpoint with Ms Gidley, but it will certainly be interesting to read what she has to say about current events. Incidentally, I think that hers is the first blog I have linked to written by a woman; there seem to be fewer blogs written by females, or at least of a kind I find it worthwhile to read (but perhaps I just don't get out enough!). I recently linked to another blog by an MP (Boris Johnson - see blogroll at right), who is a Conservative, so it seems only fair to add a LibDem. Now I am in search of a worthwhile blog by a Labour MP; surely there must be one which I can read without grinding my teeth down to the gums ...

UPDATE: (Friday 8OCT04 23.15 BST) Well, a little research reveals that there are already a (relatively small) number of MPs from all the major political parties who have their own blogs; I have in mind to blogroll at least one Labour MP very shortly to balance the two I already link to - see above - but there will probably be others from various Parties I could add in due course.

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