Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Saturday 15 May 2004

US Supreme Court refuses to ban gay marriage in Massachusetts!!

The highest court in Massachusetts ruled in November that the state Constitution allowed gay couples to marry.

Opponents of gay marriage had challenged that ruling in the federal courts and the US Supreme Court declined on Friday to block Massachusetts from following the earlier ruling - as a result it is expected that same-sex marriage licences will be issued from this coming Monday.

As Mary Bonauto, the lead attorney for the seven same-sex couples who sued the state for the right to marry, said:
"Reduced to its essence, this has always been a case where people unhappy with the court ruling were trying to dress it up in a federal constitutional claim that Massachusetts was a tyranny."

Bravo! I have been drinking a bottle of champagne (Heidsieck Brut 'Heritage' NV - a very sound, but not extra-special example, for your information) this evening for other reasons [see later posting this evening], but it is certainly fortuitous that I happen to be drinking champagne when writing about this tremendously good news. Bravo! - I say again.

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