Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Friday, 28 February 2003

Saddam's latest PR coup

Surprise, surprise - on the day Hans Blix is due to deliver his latest findings on Iraq's arms capability, Saddam Hussein announces that tomorrow his regime will start to destroy the al-Samuud missiles which breach the UN limitations on maximum range. Of course, earlier this week in an interview with Dan Rather he denied that any missiles Iraq possessed breached UN guidelines, despite Hans Blix having earlier condemned the Iraqis for possessing them.

And now I just saw Hans Blix on TV saying the latest Iraqi announcement is a major step forward.

In reality it is just Saddam Hussein's latest ploy to sow further dissent between the Americans, British, Spanish Italians and Australians and other countries, principally France, Germany and Russia, which it would seem are quite content to see Saddam's delaying tactics succeed.

I'm torn between anger at the wilful appeasement of some so-called allies, and admiration at the ease with which Saddam is able to manipulate the gullible.

(I just looked al-Samuud up in my Hans Wehr. Of course, I anticipated the kind of thing it must mean - no surprise, really, it has 'defiance' as one of its meanings)

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