Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Thursday, 6 February 2003

Links to other Weblogs

In the coming days and weeks I plan to add a number of links to other 'blogs' which I consider worthy of mention. I plan to include a variety of 'blogs' which comment reguliarly on current affairs and politics, in terms of the locations of those who post them, and their points of view. I happen to have [what I consider to be] a moderate 'right-of centre' view on many things, but whether someone classes him- or herself (or others do) as 'right-wing' or 'left-wing' will not be a major consideration for me. Provided the reasoning is fairly presented and cogently argued then I will consider them for inclusion - 'extremists' of whatever kind are highly unlikely to be considered. Weblogs which hide under a veil of 'anonymity' and most specifically those where there is no e-mail link to those who purport to post to them will under no circumstances be included, however amusing or interesting I may otherwise find them. I will mention briefly, and in passing, the names of blogs which fall into this category, without providing a link to them.

To start this off, two which fall into this category are SullyWatch and SmarterAndrewSullivan - there are many others highly critical of that person who do show their own names and who will appear here in due course.

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