(Please see UPDATE at end)
OK folks, today was the big day when Sainsbury's came to Nairn - yippee!
I decided to go along late-ish in the morning, possibly not one of my more brilliant ideas, because of course by that time the decent-sized car park was completely full- after driving round a couple of times I decided to cut my losses and drive out - in the the event I drove back into town and around the building where I live, then back up to the supermarket. After 'kerb-crawling' around the car park for a second time I was able to wait for a family about to leave and get into their spot. Success!
The trolleys are the kind where you have to put a £1 (or a €1) coin in the slot - fair enough, lots of supermarkets do that now, although Tesco doesn't. The petrol station seems conveniently-positioned and although I didn't use it today (my tank is almost full at present), I have no doubt I will use it very frequently in weeks/months to come.
Anyway, on to the 'shopping experience'. I'll write a few words at the end about some trends I've noticed at many supermarkets over the past few years, but for the present I'll write about Sainsbury's Nairn specifically. A pretty conventional lay-out, with open ducting and pipework visible above your head - a bit like Asda or Homebase with its 'warehouse' feel), unlike Tesco where the ceiling is enclosed with a false-ceiling. However, the lighting at Sainsbury's is bright, without being in any way 'harsh', so quite pleasant. To the left there was a counter/kiosk (presumably for the tobacco addicts amongst us - I didn't really look), with newspapers on a walk-around rack nearby, including the local 'rag' The Nairnshire Telegraph (a weekly publication), then to the left an aisle of magazines including 'Attitude' I was pleasantly surprised to see (the sub-header for this blog will enlarge on why this is important for me); I used to buy this from the big Tesco outlet in Inverness, although I don't think their Forres outlet stocks it - however, I now get it by subscription as it costs less that way. but it it still very pleasing to see it stocked in a local store - the Co-op in the town of course never did; if it is still stocked here when my current subscription expires I may choose to purchase it locally, even at greater cost, to express my pleasure at this welcome change.
The fairly usual lay-out continued at the left with aisles of women's, children's and men's clothing, then household goods and some small electrical household items. Not as extensive, of course, as in the larger Inverness Tesco, but much more than in the Forres branch of that chain - I'd say the store in Nairn is about 1/3 bigger that its Forres 'cousin'. It was in this area that I made my first purchases - although I really don't need more towels, they had some really attractive colours on offer so I had myself a large bath sheet and a matching bath-mat in a particularly bright colour which was labelled 'teal' - a sort of very deep turquoise.
Actually I had done a pretty big shop a couple of days ago in Tesco at Forres so didn't 'need' to buy too much, but I had a good look at the meat and fish counters and bought something from both and a few items from the salad vegetable area - all seems of nice quality and attractively-presented. Prior to my visit I had a good look through my jars of dried herbs - I have quite a large selection at home, but I expect like most people some get used fairly infrequently so have been in my herb/spice racks for 'some time' and I thought they probably needed 'updating' - doing this gave me a chance to check the range on offer at Sainsbury's and I'd say it is pretty good, although I noticed a few gaps - in any case I got two of the three I was looking for (the missing one was the classic 'fines herbes' mix which I always use in omelettes) and an extra one because it seemed a good price, although the existing jar I have is almost full and pretty new, but I use it quite a lot.
I enjoyed having a look at the display of sherries - I drink this quite a lot - very unusually for a supermarket there were two different kinds of own-brand Amontillado, a 'pale dry' and a 'medium' version; as I usually only see the 'medium' locally I decided to give the 'pale dry' version a whirl and I had a glass a short time ago and can report it is pretty good. I also got a bottle of their fino, although I haven't tried it yet. In addition I got a couple of reds - an 'own label' Claret from Bordeaux (i.e. France) and a Merlot (not 'own label') from Carcassonne in Provence (i.e. also in France). Big supermarkets do have skilled wine-buyers so I have no doubt both will provide a good glass, well worth the relatively modest prices paid.
Again, as with the towels, I didn't really need more eggs, but I use a lot so bought some of their 'free range' as this is what I always buy.
The staff seemed pretty 'on the ball', and I did ask one for some help in the salad area, and although he didn't know the answer himself he was very pleasant and immediately went off to find out from someone who did and was back in a few moments directing me to the right shelf area and he led me there. So full marks for that. A couple of other staff also asked me how I was getting on, one seemed to be a more 'senior' person given his different attire. Obviously the whole place was very busy, as lots of people were 'milling around' getting to grips with the layout, but overall I was pretty impressed by the general 'body language' of staff, busy yes - but never abrupt or harrassed-looking. The Tesco in Inverness (and indeed in Forres, also in Eastbourne in a very large store, as well as in Perth, all of which I have shopped in recently) always seems to me to have staff who look 'busy and harrassed' and more senior people who tend to stride around and barge past paying customers, doing whatever they are doing (i.e. maintaining their positions in the 'corporate chain', somehwat self-importantly). Tesco is obviously a big, successful supermarket chain, which provides decent quality at a relatively-decent price, but it is all pretty 'soul-less' and one never feels particuarly 'valued'. I'd have to say that on its opening day the Nairn Sainsbury's, even though very busy, provided a rather more 'civilised' shopping experience. Interestingly, and carrying on this 'theme', I'd have to say that Asda in all its stores I have ever visited seems to have particularly friendly, helpful and well-trained staff, even though it is usually regarded as a 'value' brand, if not exactly 'low cost' in the Lidl or Aldi mould.
Pricing. I'd say Sainsbury's here is generally a little more expensive than Tesco, but certainly much better value than our local Co-op, but on the other hand as I don't need to drive 12 miles (to Forres) or 15 miles (to Inverness) to shop there, or spend the petrol doing so, there is no contest! Sainsbury's here seems to have a sufficiently large range of goods on offer to make it perfectly well able to cater for most of my weekly shopping needs, even if I may still make the trips to Inverness, Forres or Elgin occasionally. I cannot say I will never darken the door of the Co-op in Nairn ever again, but if I do it will certainly not be very often, unless I wish also to visit one of the shops in the High Street. That's the reality and I daresay I'm not going to be specially unusual in that blunt analysis.
Now, and finally, to return to the general layout matters I referred to near the beginning of this article. Entrances - why do most large supermarkets now have 'foyers' tacked on to the front of their premises with pretty restricted areas for traffic to flow in and out of the store?! Sainsbury's is just like Tesco in this respect. I expect it has to do with 'security' to make it easier for shop security staff to apprehend pilferers from making-off with merchandise without paying for it, and I can hardly blame them for that. However, for whatever reason, and probably to do with deep matters of human psychology, people tend to 'loiter' at these entrance, or in the 'foyers', and generally make it an obstacle course to get in or out of the place! This applies to Sainsbury's, Tesco, Morrisons and to Asda - the four UK-based superkarkets I have recent experience of (we will never, unfortunately, have a Waitrose in this area, I expect, but I can dream, can't I?), I'm sure there are better ways of organising things. And of course there are - any branch of Lidl, the 'low cost' German supermarket chain I have ever visited (in the UK or Spain) has a segregated entrance and exit - whatever other faults that brand has (and there are a number), neither the entrance nor the exit is ever an obstacle course!
To end this extended review on an overwhelmingly positive note, however, I must record that the new Sainsbury's in Nairn will be of huge benefit to Nairn residents and indeed those from the surrounding area - I am completely certain that many of the shoppers I saw at the store today came from well outside Nairn, probably from a radius such as Elgin, Grantown-on-Spey and Inverness or perhaps further. I have no doubt that things will settle down in a few days and whilst it is likely that people from the towns and areas nearby will continue to visit our new Sainsbury's in Nairn, from time to time (and with a bit of luck some of the other retail outlets in Nairn, too, if the latter are wise and 'embrace' this new magnet to our town, rather than continue the negative mantra that typifies this rather inward-looking little town - yes, this is as positive as I can bring myself to be as a reaction to some of the attitudes here, sorry, one of which I listened to with barely-suppressed irritation from a fellow Nairn resident, like myself an 'incomer' although one who has lived here much longer than me, even if she hails from a much farther-distant part of the UK than I do, when relating my experiences today after my first Sainsbury's visit). So a big 'thumbs up' to Sainsbury's!! Welcome!
PS/ Having just read the 'pap' that passes for comment in another Nairn blog, I must report I forgot to mention the issue of Gaelic signage - it is very irritating that the Gaelic versions are printed above the English in many of the major signs near the entrance, no doubt to appeal to the local 'Gaelic mafia' contingent, so one (and undoubtedly most customers, too) has to do a double-take to understand what the sign is saying, but after my initial irritation with this 'pandering' to the sensibilities of a [very] small minority, it is pleasing to report that once one proceeds into the shop this nonsense is quietly fortgotten and the language that the vast bulk of customers have as their first language, English, reigns supreme! I am of course Scottish and very proud and happy to be so, but I am primarily British and my first language is English, just like most people here in Nairn and elsewhere in Scotland and of course throughout the UK. I have no objection to catering for minority languages, for that is what Gaelic is, indeed I am very happy that effrots are made to accommodate it, but I really do object to it being giving precedence over the language of the vast majority of people even in what is laughably called 'Gaeldom' - although I can well appreciate the delicate path that Sainsbury's has had to tread to establish its presence here. Now, having got that off my chest, let me reiterate how happy I am to see Sainsbury's here in Nairn.
UPDATE: (Friday 05AUG11 20.01 BST) I posted a comment in one of the other Nairn blogs (My Nairn, relevant article here) earlier today and quote it here for completeness: "I had my second visit this morning – it was easy to park this time, although there were still quite a few people. Altogether very pleasant. I seem to recall the lack of an in-store cafe/restaurant was part of the planning conditions, perhaps to try and protect the numerous low-cost tea-shops and restaurants in town. Personally I shall still have to go to Inverness (Tesco or Boots) for a few items Sainsbury’s don’t stock, but for almost all my needs it will suffice and I will in any case be going in the direction of Inverness every so often, so it is no hardship."
Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
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The foyers are actually part of the stores energy initative, and often form part of the "sustainability2 aspect of the planning consent . They are designed to prevent winds directly penetrating the store. I totaly agree with you on the Gaelic front. The powers that be need to realise that Scotland will never be Wales I have. Gaelic is a museum language - and there it should stay!
ReplyDeleteHi Robh
ReplyDeleteI kind of thought that already (about the 'foyers') being partly for security and environmental purposes. However, I think the 'air-lock' entrances and exits at all Lidl stores do just the same jobs, but make it much easier to get in and out, by keeping traffic flows separate.
Great review and couldn't agree more about the Gaelic. Why are we allowing so much money to be spend on promoting this. I don't think many youngsters learning the language will get work where it's a requirement.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't disagree more with the 'pap' that you and some of the other posters on here have written in relation to Gaelic. It's high time Gaelic was given more promenance and if you have trouble reading English simply because some Gaelic happens to be there too, then you might want to get your sight tested. Small-minded pap like this is not only offensive to those of use who use Gaelic as our first language, it's also wholly depresing in 21st century Scotland. Like you, I welcome Sainsburys in Nairn, I also welcome their commitment to Gaelic; it's not a museum piece, it's alive and most certainly kicking amoung many young people like me in the area...
ReplyDeleteHi David (I presume that is what your tedious name really is)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. Good luck with using this language which, however much you may wish to pretend otherwise, is a minority one and a very small minority at that.
Feasgar math Uilleum, mòran taing airson do post-blog. 'S e Dàibhidh a tha orm; chan e 'David'...
ReplyDeleteJust to set the record straight, I have never, and would never, claim that Gaelic is a 'majority' language. You appear to be adding a little bit of pejorative spin to your argument in a vain attempt to bolster your anti-Gaelic position.
The outstanding over reaction to a private company using its own money to add Gaelic to signage at it's newest store is staggering. Anyone would think that you felt threatened by the presence of Gaelic, but of course, given that it's only a minority language and following centuries of persecution is never going to challenge English in terms of primacy, that would be ridiculous...wouldn't it?
English is the main language in Scotland and I've yet to meet anyone who would argue otherwise, but that does not mean that there's no room for Scots and Gaelic as well. These languages enrich our country and culture and their loss would be a sad day for us all. That said, from the bizarre comments you made about the supremacy of English, I suspect you wouldn't necessarily see/agree with that...
Anyhow, until your anti-Gaelic comments, I had always enjoed reading your blog...
Incidentally, I find it somewhat puzzling that the header of your blog proudly states 'combatting [sic] bigotry', and then you come out with a tirade against the Gaelic language and those who use it; there's a big dollop of irony in there, wouldn't you say?
ReplyDeleteHello again David
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments, albeit of a somewhat intemperate nature (not unusual, unfortunately, from those who "have the Gaelic").
Firstly, I am NOT "anti-Gaelic" - and however much you may wish, in order to feed your own delusions, to paint me into that position, it just ain't so.
What I did state was that I thought, and think, it wrong that Gaelic-language signage should take precedence over English-language signage, either at the new Nairn Sainsbury supermarket, or indeed as is increasingly the case on road signs across the Highlands. I am perfectly happy for there to be Gaelic-language signage wherever there is felt to be a need for it, at Sainsbury or anywhere else, it is just that I do not think that these should be placed above the English-language versions in similar or more prominent typeface - the former for the Sainsbury signage, the latter for road-signs.
You may pretend to 'victim status' all you like, but I just don't buy it.
Oh, and by the way, I will continue to combat bigotry, such as you display, whenever I observe it. I realise that differing with a 'paid-up member of the Gaelic-mafia' in this part of the world is not going to make me universally popular, but this still remains, just, a free country so I shall continue to express my views whenever I feel like it and provided you continue to express yourself reasonably civilly, as you have so far, I will continue to publish your comments here if you care to make them (it is my blog and I make the rules here). The only comments I have ever prohibited here are those of an obscene or abusive nature and the latter have only ever come from a number of obsessive Gaelic-speakers in this country and in Canada, who brook no criticism it would seem; there are plenty other 'hate sites' for such people to spill their bile, or of course they could set up their own websites or blogs if they wish.
I tell you what, there may only be 23 people left speaking Gaelic in Scotland - but sure as the sun shines (everywhere but here) you make a blog comment on it and there's always one around to defend it. At length.
ReplyDeleteWas considering patronising the new bus alteration from Ardersier to Nairn to visit Sainsbury's today. Then I thought 'what on earth has become of my life?' Visiting a supermarket for entertainment. So sad.
Hello Craig
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments highlighing another perspective. You are correct of course that planning one's life around a visit to a supermarket would indeed be a sad commentary ;)
I enjoyed scanning through your own blogs, by the way.
I stumbled across this thread about Gaelic while looking for something else. As an Englishman (albeit educated in Scotland), I found the comments for or against Gaelic hilarious; it could be the basis for a Monty Python style comedy script. Lay back, relax and get a life. Where I live plenty of shops have signs in Polish, Arabic etc (in addition to English) - am I bothered? I love Scotland, but you do get a bit shrill sometimes when your opinions are challenged. Anyway, thanks for confirming that Sainsbury's would normally stock a fine herbes mixture.
ReplyDeleteThanks Hodfast for your interesting comments. You may (just may ;) ) be right that I can get a bit shrill sometimes. Incidentally, 'fines herbes' is no longer available in any local supermarket, bizarrely enough and indeed is only available on Amazon for a ludicrously high price. Luckily I have a holiday home in Spain and both locally produced and French brands are available there at modest cost in several chains of supermarkets so I bring back a jar or two as needed for use here in Scotland.
ReplyDeleteNow onto the more substantive element of your comment. I enjoy seeing signs in Arabic, Urdu, Polish etc and they are usually there when there is a large enough local population using those languages to make it useful/necessary. Gaelic is different; apart perhaps from a few isolated communities in the north west of Scotland or the western isles the numbers who use Gaelic more than English is vanishingly small. But if people WANT to have it used fair enough. But that is NOT the reason why Gaelic language signs are increasingly used in places like Nairn or other even less likely places further afield - that is happening because commercial operation like Sainsbury simply wouldn't have got planning permission for their store without those signs. This is raw politics, not utility. It is a deliberate political effort to make Gaelic use more common, at the behest of a very small minority who have got themselves some political influence, where there is vanishingly small demand for it. It's analogous to what's happening in Labour now where a small minority of "true believers" (Momentum, SWP etc) has captured Labour from the moderates who have won elections in the past, not that this bothers me as I detest Labour of any variety. I found your comments equally amusing, by the way.
Thanks for a sense of humour! When I wrote "I love Scotland, but you do get a bit shrill sometimes", I didn't mean you personally, but Scots in general - although several of my oldest and dearest friends are Scots. Now off to Sainsbury's to get my ingredients for an omelette au fine herbes.
ReplyDeleteI hope the Sainsbury where you are does stock it; where I am it cerainly hasn't done so for about 2 years at least, indeed when I asked an assistant (restocking the herb/spice shelves at the time) she denied that such a product had ever been sold there or even that it existed. Mind you I had exactly the same thing a couple of years ago in the largest Tesco in Inverness when I couldn't find radishes; I happened to be in Inverness that day, but got them back in Nairn at Sainsbury just as usual. Sometimes dealing with shop assistants is like a Kafka novel ;) PS/ I hada delicious omelette aux fines herbes today, using a jar brought back from Spain a few months ago - delicious it was too! Many years ago I lived in Casablanca and one of my favourite bistros there served up very nice omelettes, with a preceding starter of a sliced green bean and tomato salad., with lashings of good olive oil. Healthy eating :)