Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early morning, but I'm probably still sound asleep.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

More pledges of support and loyalty for Brown ...

... Err, no, not exactly.

Peter Watt (former Labour General Secretary) in tomorrow's Mail on Sunday here: 'said Mr Brown was not fit to be Prime Minister, had reduced No 10 to a shambles and was derided even by some of his closest Cabinet allies'.

More in the Mail on Sunday here: referring to remarks made to him by Douglas Alexander, supposedly one of Gordon Brown's most loyal political allies -

‘The truth is, Peter, we have spent ten years working with this guy, and we don’t actually like him.

'We have always thought that the longer the British public had to get to know him, the less they would like him as well.'

Charming, eh? Pity they couldn't have voiced these feelings before their Party saddled the country with such an unmitigated disaster for a Prime Minister, without even bothering to elect him as their Leader, but allowing him to succeed to the top job by default!!!

Watt is not finished with his revelations, however, referring to further remarks made by Douglas Alexander, who is quoted as saying:

‘You’d imagine that after ten years of waiting for this, and ten years complaining about Tony, we would have some idea of what we are going to do but we don’t seem to have any policies. For God’s sake, Harriet’s helping write the manifesto!’

The rest of the article is equally extraordinary, specially the bit about the future US Ambassador and his wife and other American guests and the 'hospitality' they received at Brown's table. Utterly bizarre, assuming it's all true - I put that last bit in because I can hardly believe it can be true, but it sounds just too extraordniary that it's all complete made-up fiction - it's a major diplomatic gaffe even to mention it and the Ambassador can hardly confirm or deny it publicly. Read the whole thing - it is just too bizarre, and grubby!

When in the name of God (if there is one) will the embarrassment that is our Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, go?! Enough!!

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