Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Saturday 13 June 2009

That man sure has style!

The 'that man' in question is President Barack Obama who made a little girl's day by writing her a personal note to give to her teacher, to excuse her absence from the last day of class, because she was accompanying her father to a 'town hall' style meeting held by the President in Green Bay, Wisconsin. After writing the note, whilst continuing his dialogue with her father who was asking a question, the President then nonchalantly wandered down to the edge of the stage area, microphone in hand, so he could hand her the note personally. Few other recent Presidents could have acted with such aplomb and without any fuss - the only one I can think of really is Ronald Reagan; John Kennedy or Bill Clinton could certainly have done it too, but they surely would have made it a big 'production number'.

Embedded video from CNN Video

(thru my AOL news headline page here)

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