Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this morning. I hope your day is good so far.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Scottish Parliament likely to pass new hate crime law

The BBC report linked to states: 'The Offences Aggravated by Prejudice (Scotland) Bill, which would have the effect of widening the definition of hate crimes, would bring Scotland into line with the rest of the UK.' Also included in the report is this: 'The effect of the new law, Under the legislation, crimes motivated by hatred of gay or disabled people would be considered as aggravated offences.'

I may not be a supporter of the Bill's sponsor, Green MSP Patrick Harvie, but I see passage of this Bill as an unequivocal 'good thing'. The Conservatives, however, are as usual on the wrong side of history apparently as they opine idiotically, according to the report: '... it could create a two-tier justice system, allowing some victims to gain more rights than others'.

If the article reports the Conservative view accurately then what they seem to be saying sounds suspiciously, whisper it please, 'socialist', for they seem to want all victims to suffer 'equally' - have no real idea what they are trying to say here, but it sounds like the worst kind of Labour-lite nonsense.

Earlier reports here and here amplify the debate about this Bill, from the latter of which the antediluvian views of [Scottish] Conservative Justice Spokesman Bill Aitken may be gleaned. It really is time the Conservatives 'get with the programme' and stop trying to dress-up naked prejudice and bigotry as a worry about equality - it doesn't wash! Will I vote 'Conservative' tomorrow in the European elections - I had more or less decided to, but now I'm not so sure.

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