Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early morning, but I'm probably still sound asleep.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Church of Scotland says 'yah boo sucks' to the bigots

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has confirmed the appointment of openly gay minister, Rev Scott Rennie, to be minister at Queen's Cross Church in Aberdeen, dismissing the protests by those opposed to the appointment of a 'practising'(*) gay man to the position; he has the support of the majority of the parishioners there and of the presbytery. Rev Rennie has already been a minister at Brechin Cathedral for some years, apparently successfully and without incident.

Although I'm not a member of the Church of Scotland (or of any church), I was brought up in its traditions and it always struck me as a relatively moderate institution, certainly when compared to some of the other 'sky fairy' offerings out there. However what we're talking about here is employment practices and I have as much right to 'pontificate' (ho ho - geddit?) about that as anyone else. My earlier article on this topic, criticising another blogger for his self-confessed homophobia and his remarks about this particular case, provoked a lively verbal exchange with one of his acquaintances. I'm sure many people who hold deeply unpleasant views are delightful company in a social setting, but I'm afraid that however nice someone may be toward those considered part of his social set I think it's pretty revealing how people think and write (in the case of a blog) of people who are somehow 'different', so I remain to be convinced.

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