Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Is it time for a 'mini-meet' of north-Scotland bloggers?

(Please see UPDATES at end)

Some years ago, when I first began this blog (in April 2002), it was kinda lonely up here in the north of Scotland. In those first few years there were hardly any 'serious' blogs in Britain, far less Scotland (and the north of Scotland was but a distant dream!), although there were a few bloggers from Inverness (or nearby) who blogged sporadically for a while, but soon disappeared; now I know of only one Inverness-based blogger who blogs with any regularity (Bernard blogs at The Sound of Gunfire); I've seen another former(?) occasional Inverness blooger in evidence in comments recently in a few other blogs, but apart from that - 'zilch'. Then, for a few years, there was an Elgin-based blogger, but he stopped blogging a couple of years ago and seems to have disappeared completely.

At present, to my knowledge, we have the amazing situation that there are three regular bloggers in of all places Nairn, in the north of Scotland. Maybe there are others in the region, and if so I apologise to them, but I am unaware of them. I am one of the three Nairn-based bloggers of course, and the other two are Graisg, who blogs at A Gurn from Nurn (he blogged for a while a few years ago, then stopped blogging for a while, at least in English, but more recently resumed blogging much more regularly) and thirdly Brian who blogs at My Nairn (also somewhat less frequently at My Scotland).

Is it not time that we had a meeting of Nairn bloggers? I would certainly be willing, if my fellow Nairn bloggers are at all interested; just let me know so we can perhaps arrange a mutually-convenient time if you are up for it. For my part it would seem like a good idea to invite Bernard from Inverness, too, if he's at all interested. So far as I'm concerned it'd have to be within the next fortnight, however, as I shall then be in Spain until mid-May, or of course it could be later in the year if more convenient. Just let me know.

UPDATE: (Wednesday 4FEB09 09.50 GMT) An email from Brian at 'My Nairn' awaited me this morning expressing willingness to take part in such a 'blog-meet' if one can be arranged. Thanks Brian for getting back to me so promptly.

2nd UPDATE: (Wednesday 4FEB09 17.15 GMT) Graisg has now confirmed (see comments) that he is interested in a 'blog-meet', too and is contacting his anonymous 'sources' to see if any of them wish to be there as well. I've also suggested in the comments a couple of possible dates for the meeting during next week. Let's hope we can firm something up.


  1. A good idea Bill, I'd better let all the major contributors know. Even I don't know who they all are lol, maybe they may wish to reveal themselves.

  2. Excellent, Graisg - thanks for getting back to me.

    Can I suggest either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (i.e. 10th or 11th February) probably in the evening to suit those who work? Personally I could be there for a daytime meet if that is convenient, too.

    Venue? No doubt one of the bars town, I suppose. Personally I would prefer some place like the 'Classroom', but perhaps others have different ideas.


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